3 topic ideas for your blog posts
You have just created your company's blog, but you lack ideas? This article should help you. Remember, there is no such thing as a “perfect” post. Don't think too much, and get started!
1- Tutorials
Sometimes, some bloggers don't dare to propose tutorials, assuming that “everyone” knows how to do it, and that it wouldn't be interesting.
It's a mistake. It's a mistake. Not everyone has your unique experience in your industry.
Beginners will be delighted to find your article while searching on Google. Those who already know how to search their way through will…
Often, the blog articles that work best are the simplest ones. These are the ones that meet a very specific need.
2- Substantive reviews
You have professional experience, and your blog is a way to promote it.
So, don't hesitate to share your analyses in more detail.
Be sure to always adopt an angle (a point of view). Also, don't hesitate to give your opinion. First of all, your professional point of view has value. Then, by giving your opinion, you are more likely to have reactions, via comments or social networks.
Some readers may want to challenge you, or in contrast, support your opinion. They will not hesitate to express their opinions.
Being “too neutral” is never the solution on a corporate blog. Yet some people say that this is the best solution, for fear of alienating their readers.
3- News / Videos / Infographics…
By consulting your blog, your readers hope to learn things and/or have fun. Since it's up to you, try to be both!
The visuals, playful content and instructions are generally very much appreciated.
The most important thing is to take the right perspective so that your target audience has an interest in it.
You can talk about anything, as long as you take the right approach.
To maximize your chances of making relevant blog posts, an essential rule: keep an eye out, read. Use social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook,), curation tools or information sites, general or specialized.
Feel free to bring up a subject several times. To do this, simply make sure that you take a different perspective on each publication.
It’s your turn!